Kick Off
A first-week project for university art students
Since 2011
The Kick Off is participatory and collaborative first-week project for BA and MA art students. The workshop aims to energise and wake up creative thinking after the summer holidays. Students from the School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica take part in intense experimental, explorative and fun 3-day project. In collaborations, students complete micro projects such as: short videos, series of photographs, performances, drawings or
other media on chosen theme.
Workshop premise:
- 3 working days (48h)
- Working in groups from various years
- Open theme and medium (unless stated otherwise)
- Process-based work
- Presentation to the group and outside visitors
- Vote for the best project by the public
- Prizes for the winning group
Workshopped at: School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica, Gorizia, Italy. Since 2011